
Boot camp workout: Is it right for you?

Is a boot camp workout for everybody?

Fitness boot camps often appeal to people looking for a more intense workout. Boot camp exercises usually involve ballistic, rapid movements that can be too challenging to those who aren't already in shape.

But if you have a strong foundation of strength and aerobic training, you're probably ready for boot camp. But before you sign up, ask how the program is structured and if there are any prerequisites to assess whether it will be a good fit for you.

If you are older than age 40, are pregnant, haven't exercised for some time or have certain health conditions, it's a good idea to check with your doctor before starting a boot camp class or any new exercise program.

It's also important to let your instructor know if you have health issues or special needs. Also tell the instructor if you have difficulty with a particular exercise. If the movements in the class are new to you, take it slower at first to ensure that the way you are moving is correct. Stop if you get fatigued or tired to the point where your technique breaks down. Skilled instructors are attentive to proper form and technique and can adapt exercises for you.

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